Lord of the Flies

  1. 3. a large and protruding belly
  2. 7. that can not be understood
  3. 11. very numerous
  4. 13. ill will
  5. 14. a profoundly wise person
  6. 16. adequacy
  7. 17. to howl
  8. 18. feel or show great sorrow for
  9. 20. to settle securely or snugly
  10. 21. hanging in loops
  11. 22. purify
  1. 1. to walk with a leisurely guilt
  2. 2. exhibiting a play of colors
  3. 4. cruel
  4. 5. any of one's ups and downs
  5. 6. meddlesome
  6. 7. scattered among other things
  7. 8. to shake a wave paunch
  8. 9. to be or become absorbed
  9. 10. pale
  10. 12. not able to express oneself very clearly
  11. 15. great number
  12. 19. disposed to
  13. 21. implement used to thresh grain by hand