Lord of The Flies

  1. 4. To confuse or puzzle completely
  2. 7. Burdensome, unjustly harsh
  3. 9. Full of scorn or contempt
  4. 12. Showing strong displeasure
  5. 17. A faint or unsteady light
  6. 18. In capable of being investigated or analized
  7. 20. To shake or move with a slight trembeling
  8. 21. Expressing strong displeasure at something considerd unjust or offensive
  9. 23. Violent or noisey commotion or disruebance of a crowd or mob
  10. 25. To parade or display oneself conspicuously
  1. 1. Marked by propriety and good taste
  2. 2. Quick in light movement
  3. 3. A sting or chain of flowers
  4. 5. A shallow sound, channel, or pond near a large body of water
  5. 6. Not resistable, incapable of being resisted or withstood
  6. 8. Unusuall or extreme paleness
  7. 10. Taken, done, used, etc.
  8. 11. Objectionably agressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted sevice
  9. 13. A point or pointed part projecting backward from a mian point
  10. 14. Devoid of worth or significance
  11. 15. Making a loud or harsh sound
  12. 16. to bend or twist out of shape
  13. 19. To climb awkwardly
  14. 22. A thread like, leafless organ of climbing plants
  15. 24. a spril shellof a gastiopod, often used as a horn