Lord of the Flies
- 4. Straying outside the proper path or bounds
- 9. a strong persuasion or belief
- 10. self-assertively aggressive
- 11. Gold; reseblence of gold
- 14. Fluctuations of states or conditions
- 16. a line of persons or objects around a person or place
- 18. summits
- 20. cleansed of
- 22. one who is afraid
- 23. from the Latin meaning peace
- 24. Enclosed within; imprisoned
- 26. done with the hope of creating favor or goodwill
- 27. having a large, bulky body; obese
- 29. A raid
- 30. A written or recited formula of words
- 32. Made gestures
- 35. The state or quality of disbelief
- 36. expanses of open rolling infertile land
- 39. Banned on grounds of mortality or taste
- 41. Rebelliously
- 42. not allowing entrance or passage
- 43. A durable cotton fibril in trill (diagonal) weave
- 44. Partly suppressed laughs
- 49. Expressing remorse for one's wrongdoings
- 50. Hatred; ill will
- 1. the quality or state of being holy or sacred
- 2. Mockingly
- 3. expressing or causing scorn or ridicule
- 5. Darkness of complexion
- 6. full of juice;juicy
- 7. Disbelieving; skeptical
- 8. of or relating to the study of God
- 12. A bitter retort
- 13. A course of stones forming a continuous foundation
- 15. A whispering soung; murmur
- 17. Hard to understand or explain
- 19. an enduring luminescene without sensible heat
- 21. Dismaying
- 25. including multiple individuals
- 28. Regrettably
- 31. Something that covers or conceals
- 33. worthy of causing disgust or hatred
- 34. mad;insane
- 37. Volunteeringg one's services where they aren't asked for
- 38. slowness to apprehend or perceive
- 40. Deviating from usual
- 45. rejoicing
- 46. extreme disgust
- 47. A moaning or sighing sound
- 48. reserved;modest