Lord of the Rings

  1. 3. Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast to the Elves
  2. 4. The Uruk-___
  3. 5. The falls of the Anduin
  4. 7. Shadowfax is the King of these horses
  5. 9. His bane was round and golden
  6. 14. The Southron's massive steeds
  7. 16. The healing herb of Numenor
  8. 17. Three of these were turned to stone in The Hobbit
  9. 18. The capital of Rohan
  10. 21. Denethor's deathbed
  11. 22. Bearer of the cloven horn
  12. 24. A merry fellow
  13. 26. The wandering men of Westernesse
  14. 28. Bilbo and Frodo
  15. 32. The garrison
  16. 35. "Seek for the sword that was broken. In ___it dwells."
  17. 39. Barad ___
  18. 40. Faramir's forest
  19. 41. Thranduil's son
  20. 43. Elvish mountains
  21. 44. Where the shadows lie
  22. 46. Everyone's favorite walking tree
  23. 47. The lonely mountain
  24. 49. The battlefield at Minas Tirith
  25. 51. The shape of the broaches of Lorien
  26. 53. Isildur's heir
  27. 55. King of the Eagles
  28. 56. Gollum's savior which stayed Bilbo's hand
  1. 1. Son of Gloin
  2. 2. The Bridge of __-Dum
  3. 6. Gollum's true name
  4. 8. Eowyn's warrior name
  5. 10. Elvish "tower"
  6. 11. The ___ havens
  7. 12. Flight to the ___
  8. 13. The undying lands of the Valar
  9. 15. Arwen evenstar
  10. 19. Evil wolves
  11. 20. Sam's favorite comfort food
  12. 21. The seeing stones
  13. 23. "... ___ shall be blade that was broken"
  14. 25. Vilya, Narya and Nenya
  15. 27. The nine
  16. 29. Merry's full name, seldom remembered
  17. 30. Fair river-daughter
  18. 31. Middle-earth's God
  19. 33. Beregond of the ___
  20. 34. Eowyn's brother
  21. 36. The army of Rohan
  22. 37. The home of the Witch King of the Nazgul
  23. 38. Enemy
  24. 42. "Gilthoniel! Ah, ___!"
  25. 45. Saruman's home
  26. 48. A soldier of Mordor
  27. 50. The region in Northern Middle Earth which contains the Shire
  28. 52. The Enemy in the ___
  29. 54. "Of herbs and stewed ___"