Lord of the rings

  1. 3. a hobit who carried a ring
  2. 6. Gondor king
  3. 8. a magician after the fight with the monster
  4. 11. the most dangerous monster of third age
  5. 12. a magician before a fight with a monster
  6. 14. thranduil's son
  1. 1. the brother of gondor's soldiers captain
  2. 2. a hobit who is taking care of one of his friends
  3. 4. the king of mordor
  4. 5. one of frodo's friends his nickname is pipin
  5. 7. king of Rohan
  6. 9. the daughter of Elrond Half-elven
  7. 10. the captain of gondor's soldiers
  8. 13. the damned hobit