Lord of the rings (easy)

  1. 3. what is the name of the ent that pippin and merry met ?
  2. 5. the elf that lived with tom bombadil
  3. 8. frodo's best friend
  4. 9. who died at the end of fellowship of the ring?
  5. 12. the captain of gondor
  6. 15. Legolas' father's name
  7. 17. aragorn love interest
  8. 20. elrond's brother
  9. 22. where does galadriel live in the fellowship of the ring?
  10. 27. who did eowyn and merry kill together
  11. 28. the creator of middle-earth
  1. 1. the elf who created the lesser rings
  2. 2. mount doom's elvish name
  3. 4. Frodo's family name
  4. 6. legolas' actors name
  5. 7. gollum's actual name
  6. 8. who killed Thror?
  7. 10. the pass frodo and sam take to get to mordor
  8. 11. who killed smaug?
  9. 13. who is aragorn the heir of?
  10. 14. Thorin's last name
  11. 16. "you shall not pass"
  12. 18. who is sauron's master
  13. 19. how many wizards are there on middle-earth ?
  14. 21. which of the five wizards turned to sauron's side?
  15. 23. the blond archer elf
  16. 24. how many members does the fellowship have?
  17. 25. the other name of the undying lands
  18. 26. Gandalf fought a creature in moria