Lord of the Rings: Hard Mode

  1. 5. the mightiest of the three Elven Rings
  2. 8. Galadriel is married to him/her
  3. 9. the name of Earendil's boat
  4. 10. an alternate name for Smaug
  5. 13. the wielder of Orcrist in The Hobbit
  6. 14. the first terrestrial, fire-breathing creature in Middle Earth
  7. 18. the name of Aragorn's father
  8. 19. the name of the fictional world of LOTR
  9. 20. alternate name for Treebeard
  10. 22. cause of death of Frodo's parents
  11. 24. Sauron's name prior to becoming Sauron
  12. 25. the name of one of the two blue wizards
  13. 26. the place described as "riven from the bones of the earth in the ancient torment of the hills"
  14. 27. number of rings of power forged
  15. 28. spirits that descended to the world to help the Valar shape the world
  16. 33. men from here built the Tower of the Teeth
  17. 34. Quenya name for Saruman
  18. 35. The meaning of Sauron's original name
  19. 39. the chief of the counselors in Elrond's house
  20. 41. total number of wizards sent to help Middle Earth
  21. 42. an alias used by Eowyn
  22. 44. name of the Uruk that killed Boromir
  23. 46. the elven name for hobbits
  24. 47. the elf responsible for abandoning Dol Guldur prior to Sauron arriving
  25. 48. the place Radagast the Brown says he battled the Necromancer
  26. 51. also called "The Valaraukar"
  27. 53. the name of the battle that took place in Helms Deep (Battle of __)
  28. 54. the name of one of the two blue wizards
  29. 55. the rescuerer of Gandalf atop the Tower Orthanc
  30. 56. the meaning of Minas Tirith (Tower of the __)
  31. 57. the spawn of the Ungoliant
  1. 1. the name of the seeing-stones in Middle Earth
  2. 2. the name of the Ring of Power that Galadriel wore
  3. 3. the name of Shelob's mother
  4. 4. destination of the hobbits when they were captured
  5. 6. land of the Valar
  6. 7. Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters… solve this riddle.
  7. 11. Rivendell is built on this river
  8. 12. the name of Azog's son
  9. 15. What was ‎Khamûl?
  10. 16. a hobbit that shares a birthday with Bilbo
  11. 17. the name of Frodo's father
  12. 18. the most powerful of all winged dragons (__ the Black)
  13. 21. what Bilbo must find in the Lonely Mountains
  14. 23. name for the period of time after Gandulf visited Dol Guldur
  15. 29. the name of Legolas' father
  16. 30. the age of Middle Earth after the ring was destroyed
  17. 31. the hobbit race Gollum was prior to finding the ring
  18. 32. the name of the battle where Saruman dies (Battle of __)
  19. 33. the character desribed as "a crystal fallen in the lap of land"
  20. 36. the first king of Rohan
  21. 37. What Morgoth was eventually called
  22. 38. the capital of the shire
  23. 39. Aragorn's age when joining the hobbits
  24. 40. dwarven name for Gandulf
  25. 43. the character that says "things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them"
  26. 45. the Four Farthing in the Shire that does not touch the Three Farthing Stone
  27. 49. the Norse legend Smaug is based upon
  28. 50. Elrond's brother
  29. 52. Pippin's son is named after him
  30. 53. the material that makes Gollum scream when touched by it (hint: elven rope is made of it)