Lord of the rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit

  1. 2. The only brew for the brave and true comes out of
  2. 3. Gandalf's teacher and the weeper of the Valar
  3. 5. Blade that cut the ring from Sauron's hand
  4. 9. Galadriel's husband
  5. 10. They're taking the hobbits to...
  6. 11. Tolkien thought this character was the true hero
  7. 12. Gandalf's Ring
  8. 13. the protagonist
  9. 14. Daughter of Elrond, wife of Aragorn
  10. 17. Ringwraiths
  11. 19. Rings of Dwarves
  12. 21. Valar of the Water
  13. 22. The symbol of Gondor
  14. 27. Grandfather of Thorin, king under the mountain
  15. 29. Captain of the Gondorian Guard
  16. 30. claimed he killed 41 in the Battle of Helms Deep
  17. 31. Giver of Fruits, Valar
  18. 32. Savior of Laketown, killer of Smaug
  19. 33. The lady of Lothlorien
  20. 37. Sauron's "cat", guards the entrance to Mordor
  21. 38. Where was Gollum's cave
  22. 39. Rings of Men
  23. 41. Bilbo's sword he gave to Frodo
  24. 43. What was the wealth of Moria in
  25. 45. The only named female dwarf, thorin's sister
  26. 48. Isildur's father
  27. 50. Where the Silmarillion takes place
  28. 51. Frodo's biological father
  29. 52. What did Gimli ask for three of
  30. 57. What did Bilbo steel
  31. 58. Elvish waybread
  32. 63. Father of Legolas, ruler of the woodland realm
  33. 64. Theoden's nephew, King of the Mark
  34. 65. Favorite pipeweed of Bilbo
  35. 67. Last homely house
  36. 68. King of Rohan
  37. 71. Tom Bombadil's wife
  38. 72. Port to sail to Valinor
  39. 74. The ent that led the assault on Isengard
  40. 75. Youngest son of Denethor
  1. 1. Denethor eating _ is so gross to watch
  2. 4. What did bilbo have in his hand to bring home
  3. 6. Most commonly spoken language of elves
  4. 7. Merry old fellow with yellow boots
  5. 8. The Brandybuck in the Fellowship
  6. 15. What did J.R.R. stand for
  7. 16. God of the Tolkien Universe
  8. 18. The sections of the shire and how many
  9. 19. Gollum's real name
  10. 20. Made the world's worst stew
  11. 23. What is the most beloved star to the elves of Lothlorien
  12. 24. "Find them" in Black Speech
  13. 25. One ring to rule them all one ring ...
  14. 26. Orcs are also known as _ in the Hobbit
  15. 28. Gimli promised Legolas he would explore it with him
  16. 34. Dwarven representative in the fellowship
  17. 35. What Aragorn was called when crowned
  18. 36. Fool of a Took
  19. 40. Isildur's Bane
  20. 42. Where the Lord of the Rings takes place
  21. 44. How old hobbits are when they come of age
  22. 46. The language of the Dwarves
  23. 47. Elrond's Ring
  24. 49. Elros and Elrond's mother
  25. 53. The first book Tolkien finished
  26. 54. Safe place for the citizens of Rohan
  27. 55. Taker of the Ring
  28. 56. The name for where the Battle for Middle Earth occured
  29. 59. Who actually broke into the Counsel of Elrond
  30. 60. once second in command then became the leader of the istari
  31. 61. What race is the istari, balrogs, and Sauron
  32. 62. Last ruling steward of Gondor
  33. 66. The deep roots are not reached by the
  34. 69. third bearer of the ring
  35. 70. What was morgoth's origonal name
  36. 73. Galadriel's Ring