Lord of the rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit
- 2. The only brew for the brave and true comes out of
- 3. Gandalf's teacher and the weeper of the Valar
- 5. Blade that cut the ring from Sauron's hand
- 9. Galadriel's husband
- 10. They're taking the hobbits to...
- 11. Tolkien thought this character was the true hero
- 12. Gandalf's Ring
- 13. the protagonist
- 14. Daughter of Elrond, wife of Aragorn
- 17. Ringwraiths
- 19. Rings of Dwarves
- 21. Valar of the Water
- 22. The symbol of Gondor
- 27. Grandfather of Thorin, king under the mountain
- 29. Captain of the Gondorian Guard
- 30. claimed he killed 41 in the Battle of Helms Deep
- 31. Giver of Fruits, Valar
- 32. Savior of Laketown, killer of Smaug
- 33. The lady of Lothlorien
- 37. Sauron's "cat", guards the entrance to Mordor
- 38. Where was Gollum's cave
- 39. Rings of Men
- 41. Bilbo's sword he gave to Frodo
- 43. What was the wealth of Moria in
- 45. The only named female dwarf, thorin's sister
- 48. Isildur's father
- 50. Where the Silmarillion takes place
- 51. Frodo's biological father
- 52. What did Gimli ask for three of
- 57. What did Bilbo steel
- 58. Elvish waybread
- 63. Father of Legolas, ruler of the woodland realm
- 64. Theoden's nephew, King of the Mark
- 65. Favorite pipeweed of Bilbo
- 67. Last homely house
- 68. King of Rohan
- 71. Tom Bombadil's wife
- 72. Port to sail to Valinor
- 74. The ent that led the assault on Isengard
- 75. Youngest son of Denethor
- 1. Denethor eating _ is so gross to watch
- 4. What did bilbo have in his hand to bring home
- 6. Most commonly spoken language of elves
- 7. Merry old fellow with yellow boots
- 8. The Brandybuck in the Fellowship
- 15. What did J.R.R. stand for
- 16. God of the Tolkien Universe
- 18. The sections of the shire and how many
- 19. Gollum's real name
- 20. Made the world's worst stew
- 23. What is the most beloved star to the elves of Lothlorien
- 24. "Find them" in Black Speech
- 25. One ring to rule them all one ring ...
- 26. Orcs are also known as _ in the Hobbit
- 28. Gimli promised Legolas he would explore it with him
- 34. Dwarven representative in the fellowship
- 35. What Aragorn was called when crowned
- 36. Fool of a Took
- 40. Isildur's Bane
- 42. Where the Lord of the Rings takes place
- 44. How old hobbits are when they come of age
- 46. The language of the Dwarves
- 47. Elrond's Ring
- 49. Elros and Elrond's mother
- 53. The first book Tolkien finished
- 54. Safe place for the citizens of Rohan
- 55. Taker of the Ring
- 56. The name for where the Battle for Middle Earth occured
- 59. Who actually broke into the Counsel of Elrond
- 60. once second in command then became the leader of the istari
- 61. What race is the istari, balrogs, and Sauron
- 62. Last ruling steward of Gondor
- 66. The deep roots are not reached by the
- 69. third bearer of the ring
- 70. What was morgoth's origonal name
- 73. Galadriel's Ring