Lord of The Rings

  1. 1. Galadriel's husband's name.
  2. 5. Captain of the White Tower.
  3. 6. Frodo and Sam live here.
  4. 8. ______ the Grey.
  5. 11. Lieutenants of Mordor.
  6. 14. Lady of Lothlorien
  7. 16. A monstrous creature from European folk lore.
  8. 17. The region occupied and controlled by Sauron.
  9. 20. Where the LOTR was filmed.
  10. 24. Place where the ring was created and is to be destroyed.
  11. 25. Two hobbits that help Frodo on his journey to Mordor.
  12. 26. Lord of Mordor.
  13. 27. King of Arnor.
  14. 28. Name of the large, fiery eye.
  15. 29. My Precious
  1. 2. _____ the Brown.
  2. 3. Chieftain of the Ring Wraiths
  3. 4. Small human creatures with hairy feet.
  4. 7. Half elven princess.
  5. 9. Son of Arathorn and a Ranger of the North.
  6. 10. Who Frodo inherits the ring from.
  7. 12. Dwarf warrior and one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring
  8. 13. Is given the task to take the ring to Mt. Doom to destroy it.
  9. 15. These creatures are used as soldiers and henchmen by the villains.
  10. 18. An elf from the woodland realm and one of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring.
  11. 19. _______ the White.
  12. 21. Half elven Lord of Rivendell
  13. 22. Frodo's sword name
  14. 23. Frodo's best friend
  15. 30. Name of Middle Earth orc.