Lordy Lordy look who’s 40!
- 2. first car
- 3. Best in the world
- 7. Retired clothing seller
- 9. likes games?
- 15. dietician
- 17. maiden name
- 19. 95 years old
- 20. East graduated
- 21. U of W
- 22. Consideration
- 25. next trip
- 26. bunny queen
- 29. “There’s an App for that”
- 30. 10,000?
- 32. football?
- 35. hillside
- 36. Fitness
- 1. Favourite team
- 4. Favourite canning addiction
- 5. 39
- 6. disciple?
- 8. __Farm Rd
- 10. auntie
- 11. first home
- 12. Backyard icy enjoyment
- 13. killer whale
- 14. family farmer?
- 16. pet
- 18. pet
- 21. German bilingual
- 23. grandfather
- 24. first born
- 27. nice car
- 28. maiden name
- 31. estate professional
- 33. Chris Could have been one
- 34. “in the box”