Los Meses y Las Estaciones Del Ano

  1. 2. Mothers Day occurs in this month!
  2. 5. Fathers Day occurs in this month.
  3. 6. Halloween is in this month!
  4. 8. Valentine's Day occurs in this month!
  5. 9. Labor Day occurs in this month.
  6. 12. It is Christmas time!
  7. 14. Saint Patrick's Day occurs in this month.
  8. 15. A cold season.
  9. 16. Tax Day occurs in this month.
  1. 1. This season everything starts to get cold.
  2. 3. Colorado Day occurs in this month!
  3. 4. This month gets Thanksgiving!
  4. 7. Usually there is no school during this season.
  5. 10. The season where everything starts to turn green again.
  6. 11. This month has new years day!
  7. 13. This month has the day we got independence.