Los Numerous-Bailey Watkins

  1. 3. Highest single digit number.
  2. 6. C-O-U-G-A-R-S
  3. 7. Ho ho ho
  4. 8. Valentine's day 2020
  5. 10. Easter 2020 falls on this day.
  6. 11. The amount of colors in the american flag
  7. 15. how many letters are in the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  8. 18. The only even prime number
  9. 20. The amount of holes in a shirt
  10. 21. The amount of days in February.
  11. 22. Most months have this amount of days
  1. 1. The percentage of water in the human body
  2. 2. The amount of sports the school offers
  3. 4. The percentage of water in the world
  4. 5. License
  5. 7. Mamba’s number
  6. 9. Most popular(lucky) two digit number
  7. 12. 6x9+6+9=?
  8. 13. How many bones are in the human body.
  9. 14. 9x5-9+7-16=?
  10. 16. Sideways infinity
  11. 17. This temperature is the only one that is the same in both fahrenheit and celsius.
  12. 19. Jokes on you
  13. 20. Major classes