Los Verbos Reflexivos

  1. 8. You brush your teeth
  2. 10. I put on the shirt
  3. 11. We get dressed
  4. 13. She takes a shower
  5. 15. You take a bath
  6. 16. You brush your hair
  7. 18. They go to bed
  8. 19. You go to bed
  9. 20. They dry their hair
  10. 21. We put on shoes
  1. 1. I was my hair
  2. 2. She washes his hands
  3. 3. He shaves
  4. 4. We wake up
  5. 5. We relax
  6. 6. They put on make-up
  7. 7. I train
  8. 9. I shower
  9. 12. You take off your shoes
  10. 14. He wakes up
  11. 17. I get up