LOST WORDS 11/2021

  1. 3. garden-fork; to use such a fork
  2. 4. water-drinker
  3. 5. to unbutton; to unbuckle
  4. 7. one who does small jobs
  5. 9. a female slave
  6. 13. shaking off
  7. 15. fact of travelling as a stranger
  8. 16. one who describes or writes about snobs
  9. 20. in the dark
  10. 21. pertaining to a market official in charge of weights
  11. 22. of a pale or sickly colour
  12. 23. to ask frequently
  13. 24. serviceable; useful
  14. 25. something that pinches or holds fast
  15. 26. not being able
  1. 1. dry, brittle, withered
  2. 2. deceitful speech
  3. 6. whirling round the universe
  4. 8. full of wind; windy; of an egg, malformed
  5. 10. quickness; speed
  6. 11. most foul
  7. 12. to flatter
  8. 14. to oppose; to resist
  9. 17. to begin to fall or slide
  10. 18. slothfulness
  11. 19. to question; to inquire