Louisiana Purchase(States)
- 1. /a state of the west-central United States内布拉斯加州
- 4. /a state of the central United States 堪萨斯州
- 5. /a state of the northern United States明尼苏达州
- 7. /a state in the southwestern United States得克萨斯州
- 8. /a state of the central United States 爱荷华州
- 9. /a state of the west-central United States科罗拉多州
- 10. /a state of the northwest United States蒙大拿州
- 2. /a state of the south-cnetral United States 阿肯色州
- 3. /a state of the western United States怀俄明州
- 5. /a state of the central United States 密苏里州
- 6. /a state of the south-central United States 俄克拉何马州