Love is in the air

  1. 3. Milky way.
  2. 7. Love by a dozen of.
  3. 9. Match made in heaven - you will know when you see me first.
  4. 11. Adam rarely has a secret.
  5. 12. Its all about ___.
  6. 13. Panic up! I.D. is not required to shoot this bow.
  7. 14. Be my ______.
  8. 16. And girl is in a jumble of love.
  9. 17. Fruits of love
  10. 18. Lots of roses etc.
  1. 1. Expressed on paper.
  2. 2. Color.
  3. 4. You are my _______.
  4. 5. Shakespeare's idea of love.
  5. 6. Disorganize dash uses king's ox.
  6. 8. Get down on one knee.
  7. 10. Queen of ____.
  8. 15. Will you be my valentine, in short.