Love & Marriage
- 1. one of your biggest weaknesses
- 5. what can't be found
- 7. one of my biggest weaknesses
- 10. what you might ask someone if you have lost something important
- 11. we avoid at all costs
- 13. best wrapping job
- 15. what the wedding was
- 19. what I thought when you first asked me out
- 22. biggest problematic topic
- 23. what you have worried would happen to this
- 2. initial slick move
- 3. best piece of art
- 4. first date meal
- 6. favorite activity
- 8. what others may have thought of our connection
- 9. where it all began
- 12. biggest avoided topic
- 14. one of your biggest strengths
- 16. a shared weakness
- 17. first fight consisted of
- 18. friends and...
- 20. many first dates here
- 21. favorite show
- 24. favorite people