Love Overseas
- 3. Walt had _______ sisters.
- 5. Walt belonged to Princess _________'s Light Infantry.
- 7. Toft Hill, England is located in which county?
- 9. Betsy met Leonard at a ___________.
- 10. A present Leonard mailed to Betsy from Belgium.
- 12. Which friend did Leonard take Betsy to visit?
- 13. Where did Walt propose?
- 14. Toft Hill paper: The Northern ___________.
- 15. Leonard and his brother Rich first joined the war as Rocky Mountain ____________.
- 1. Slang for German soldiers.
- 2. Walt, Norm, and Cliff were known as the three ________.
- 4. Type of horse Walt worked with in Armstrong.
- 6. Betsy sailed to Canada on The _________.
- 8. Betsy worked at the __________ munitions factory.
- 10. What kind of animals did Mavis and her family keep on their farm?
- 11. Odd wartime treat.