Love your enemies

  1. 5. Roman ________ stood at the edge of the crowd
  2. 6. Do to ________ what you would like done to you.
  3. 8. Love those that want to ________ us
  4. 10. If someone slaps you, turn the other __________
  5. 11. 12 followers of Jesus
  6. 14. Heap _________ coals on their head. Rom 12:14-21
  7. 15. God's mercy extends to ___________
  1. 1. Even if others are unkind, always show ________
  2. 2. Real _________________ comes from love.
  3. 3. Everywhere Jesus went a _______ followed
  4. 4. If someone wants your coat, also give your _______
  5. 7. Jesus said "love your __________"
  6. 8. Do good to those that ________ you.
  7. 9. The stories Jesus used to teach us
  8. 12. Jesus loves us so we should ____________ others
  9. 13. ________ for those that mistreat you