
  1. 2. first name of the singer of 'always'
  2. 4. everything without you
  3. 5. my last name to be
  4. 10. you spent your first here, and fell asleep on me
  5. 11. we had a discussion about this
  6. 12. the word i use to express my love for you
  7. 13. month you asked me to be yours
  8. 15. i still have its petals
  9. 16. how i describe you
  10. 17. we love to do this together
  11. 18. the reason i can threat you is because you are...
  12. 22. Maple leaves
  13. 23. the animal that pops baloons
  1. 1. the place you love spending your day
  2. 3. Forever and...
  3. 6. the thing you gave me after asking me to be yours
  4. 7. de night
  5. 8. your favorite color
  6. 9. the emotion i feel when im with you
  7. 14. my favorite animal
  8. 19. things you love getting from me
  9. 20. the place you come from
  10. 21. i put it in my tea