Lovebomber Baby

  1. 2. we tried to watch this together(movie)
  2. 3. the dessert we always talked about going to get
  3. 4. our fake dating anniversary
  4. 8. we tried to watch this together(show)
  5. 11. the weird thing i said i wanted in my "ideal" guy
  6. 12. what i will never stop feeling for you
  7. 14. the first date you joked about
  8. 15. for you i caught covid and...
  9. 17. happens on both our birthdays
  10. 18. where everyone thought we went to makeout (we did)
  11. 19. my second fav thing to look at when i am with you in the stairs
  1. 1. Our first obsessive gay song artist
  2. 5. the first date you ever promised me
  3. 6. title of my chat(flirting phase)
  4. 7. what i refuse to do but will do cuz i love you tm
  5. 9. the taylor swift song we made gay
  6. 10. of crows our most recent book series
  7. 13. the thing i cant live without
  8. 16. the book i annotated for you