Lower Respiratory System

  1. 4. The trachea lies directly anterior to this structure, lying directly on top of it
  2. 5. The point where the blood vessels and primary bronchi enter the lungs, around T5-T7
  3. 8. When the trachea becomes the bronchi, this is the name for the first level of bronchi
  4. 10. This happens when the nerve endings in the trachea are stimulated
  5. 11. The layer of the trachea that has the ciliated columnar epithelium
  6. 13. The name of the structure that follows after the tertiary bronchi
  7. 14. A continuation of the larynx, extending inferiorly to around T5
  8. 16. The space inbetween the 2 lungs that separates them
  9. 17. The layer of the trachea consisting of cartilage and smooth bands of tissue
  10. 19. Point where the trachea bifocates into the left and right primary bronchus
  11. 20. The outer surface of the lungs, lying against the ribs
  12. 21. The longer and narrower primary bronchus that is around 5cm long
  13. 22. The pleura that is adhered to the inside of the chest wall and the upper/thoracic cavity
  1. 1. The lung that has 3 lobes instead of 2.
  2. 2. One of the arteries supplying the trachea, beginning with B
  3. 3. Man's best friend
  4. 6. The term used to describe the most superior point of the lungs, sitting in the root of the neck
  5. 7. The pleura that is adhered to the outer surface of the lungs
  6. 9. The layer of the trachea that surround the cartilage, containing fibrous and elastic tissue
  7. 12. One of the nerves supplying the trachea, beginning with L
  8. 13. The term used to describe the most inferior part of the lungs, sitting on the thoracic/upper surface of the diaphragm
  9. 14. The cavity that the lungs sit within.
  10. 15. The technical term used to mean 'open'
  11. 18. This allows the lungs to move and expand without friction, providing a level of friction for smooth movement during breathing