LS6 - Bands

  1. 1. open or closed
  2. 3. power
  3. 6. won’t hang out with the non posh kids (5,4)
  4. 8. how many oysters do we need? (5,3)
  5. 11. Working late (8,3)
  6. 15. Desperate housewives (3,2,4)
  7. 16. would Brexit allow them in too?
  8. 17. Can I have one please?
  9. 18. Had too much of it
  10. 19. Where’s the hardware store?* (4,4,5)
  11. 20. wake up!!! 2
  12. 21. was it Elizabeth?
  13. 23. would Brexit allow them in?
  14. 25. Unstable
  15. 28. Not posh kids (10,4)
  16. 29. Robbie William could have sung about them
  17. 30. The leprechauns are here
  1. 1. He likes to play board games (5,3,3,7)
  2. 2. they fly high
  3. 4. good for UTI
  4. 5. Aubergine (4,6)
  5. 7. I won’t comply
  6. 9. UFO (3,8)
  7. 10. Back to the beginning
  8. 12. You’ll need this too*
  9. 13. Brexit definitely wouldn’t allow him in
  10. 14. Good you went to Sunday school
  11. 22. not Young
  12. 24. Bam! Bang!
  13. 26. I need glasses
  14. 27. It breaks the camel’s back