LS9 U2 PT Part1

  1. 2. pair of spongy air-filled organs
  2. 5. a system that protects our organs
  3. 8. is an organ that allow us to move
  4. 10. a system that are involved in breathing and exchanging of gases
  5. 12. A system that make urine and remove it from the body
  1. 1. is a system that help body breakdown and absorb food
  2. 3. is a system that made up of the vessels that carry blood and lymph through the body
  3. 4. organ about the size of your fist that pumps blood through your body
  4. 6. organs that allow you to see
  5. 7. an organs that help clean our blood
  6. 9. system that sends messages back and forth between the brain and the body
  7. 11. is an organs that remove toxin from the body and maintain healthy blood sugar