LU1 + LU2 Terminology - ICE Task 2

  1. 4. the smallest units in our study of words and grammar
  2. 8. this variety of English is considered more formal, and is most common in its written form
  3. 9. this approach to language focuses on the rules that govern language usage, and the belief that everyone should follow these rules
  4. 13. refers to a person’s personal dialect, and their individual speech habits
  5. 14. _______ is the period linking Old English and Early Modern English
  6. 15. permanent and static
  1. 1. this variety of English includes informal colloquialisms
  2. 2. one of the word classes in English grammar
  3. 3. this approach to language focuses on describing how we actually use language, without making judgements about the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ language
  4. 5. being able to understand and converse in English, provides one with more educational and employment ______ - not only in South Africa, but across the world
  5. 6. Anglo-Saxon society was shaped by the three Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and ______)
  6. 7. idiolect consists of _____, syntax and
  7. 8. transient and dynamic
  8. 10. the English language has spread geographically through this process
  9. 11. varieties of English around the globe include Canadian English, American English, South African English...
  10. 12. the study of the relationship between words and meanings