Lucas Mecka's Ch #14 Study Guide

  1. 3. This state was one three states that had the most cotton plantations.
  2. 6. To produce things quicker and cheaper they used _____ ____ in factories.
  3. 11. Cyrus McCormick made farming easier with amazing tool.
  4. 12. ________ and Isaac Singer made a sewing machine, and it helped a lot because they could make a dozen shirts in the time it took to sew one by hand.
  5. 13. The difficult part about getting cotton for the South was no longer a problem when Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin that did the work of ____ people, and it even helped the South have greater profits.
  6. 14. This slave led a bloody but unsuccessful revolt in VA in 1800's
  7. 15. Samuel Morse made communicating over vast areas possible expanding trade and making big money with the ________.
  8. 17. Some owners treated the slaves that they owned _______ because they viewed them as valuable property.
  9. 18. The ______ ___ was an invention that made picking out seeds much easier.
  10. 19. New York, _____, and Cincinnati were cities that became major hubs.
  11. 21. Who invented the lightweight plow?
  12. 22. This state was one three states that had the most cotton plantations.
  1. 1. Many immigrants come to US from Ireland because Ireland had a ___ shortage.
  2. 2. In the South less then 1% owned more than 50 slaves, the 1% were known as ___.
  3. 4. Before steam ships to win a large share of the world’s sea trade in 1840’s and 50’s the _______ _____ were invented.
  4. 5. There were _________ slaves in the United States during 1800.
  5. 7. _____ of the Southern population were slaves, some skilled workers were carpenters and blacksmiths.
  6. 8. Around the same time as the people from Ireland came, about one million people from ______ came to the US.
  7. 9. This state was one three states that had the most cotton plantations.
  8. 10. South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi were known as the ___ for having the most plantations.
  9. 16. Around 1829 raildroads were becoming more useful , so to make them safer and faster the _______ ____ was invented.
  10. 20. Around 1860, there were about 200,000 free blacks that were in the South, however, slave owners were scared and feared that the free blacks would set a bad example and encourage slaves to _____.