Lucas's Challenge

  1. 1. "Jingle bells ...... smells"
  2. 3. "..... bells ..... bells"
  3. 5. A black and white dog.
  4. 7. What do you play Minecraft on?
  5. 10. A snowman's nose.
  6. 11. ".... the Herald Angels sing"
  7. 12. We all sing Christmas ...... .
  8. 14. What town will Santa find you in to deliver presents?
  9. 16. What month is Christmas in?
  10. 19. What goes on top of the Christmas tree?
  11. 20. What instrument do you play?
  1. 2. We wrap this around the tree.
  2. 4. Who is coming to town?
  3. 6. What does Santa ride in?
  4. 8. Where does Santa live?
  5. 9. What do the presents go under?
  6. 13. A very playful dog.
  7. 15. What pulls Santa's sleigh?
  8. 17. What is Santa's favourite snack?
  9. 18. Has a very shiny nose.