Lunar new year banquet

  1. 2. Not white peas
  2. 4. Spongebob's boss
  3. 6. Porridge? (it sounds nicer than gruel)
  4. 7. You must eat your greens
  5. 8. Crustacean royalty
  6. 9. It's the spice of life
  7. 11. Bump a plump clump
  8. 15. Oodles and oodles of noodles
  9. 17. No plate? Just use lettuce
  1. 1. The bird is looking
  2. 3. Prized delicacy waiting in the tank
  3. 5. Ghengis Khan's sheep
  4. 10. Dorothy found cows
  5. 11. What's an entree menu without them?
  6. 12. What's a dessert menu without them?
  7. 13. Nice and naughty
  8. 14. But you can eat them in autumn as well
  9. 16. Can be boiled, steamed, or this...