Lunch Money
- 3. SELZNICK Who illustrated the book `Lunch money?
- 6. What is the name of Greg's comic books?
- 9. What is the name of the girl that raced Greg down the street?
- 12. What room in the school is known as a peaceful `island'?
- 13. What is the name of the 3 series of Chunky Comics?
- 14. What grade did Mr Z teach?
- 1. How many units did Greg sell before lunch?
- 2. What is the custodian’s name?
- 3. What was Greg good at?
- 4. What is the name of the comic book by Maura Shaw?
- 5. What is the name of the school principal
- 7. What did Greg’s father find in one of the books?
- 8. Name one of the toys that Greg sold?
- 10. What is the name of the author of the book `Lunch Money'?
- 11. What is the main characters name?