Lympathetic System

  1. 5. air left in lungs after forced expiration
  2. 6. supply of blood to alveoli
  3. 11. volume of air in respiratory system that never reached the alveoli
  4. 12. windpipe
  5. 13. amount of air moving in and out of the lungs during normal respiration
  6. 17. seperates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity
  7. 19. recieves air from nasal cavity and air food and water from oral cavity
  8. 20. movement of gasses across the alveoli
  9. 21. gas exchange
  10. 22. helps lungs inflate when born, keeps alveoli open
  1. 1. deoxygenated blood from right side of heart is converted to oxygenated blood
  2. 2. thin skeletal muscle
  3. 3. exhaled air has
  4. 4. bunch of grapes
  5. 7. number of breaths each minute
  6. 8. inhaled air has
  7. 9. movement of air
  8. 10. regulates flow of gases into respiratory tract, prevents anything other than gases to enter
  9. 14. trachea splits into right and left bronchi
  10. 15. back of mouth
  11. 16. inspired gasses distribute throughout the lungs
  12. 18. air filled cavity in bone
  13. 23. air enters external nares