Lynnette's Bridal Shower

  1. 3. Lynnette's favorite singer
  2. 7. Jeff's favorite hobby
  3. 8. The month Jeff & Lynnette started dating
  4. 11. Number of Flower Girls
  5. 12. Jeff's astrological sign
  6. 14. Jeff & Lynnette's first house street name
  7. 15. The month Jeff proposed
  8. 16. number of Ring Bearers
  9. 19. Jeff & Lynnette's house number
  10. 22. The month of the wedding
  11. 23. Lynnette's favorite band
  12. 24. Location where Jeff & Lynnette got engaged
  1. 1. Matron of Honor's first name
  2. 2. Mother of the Bride's first name
  3. 4. Days until the wedding
  4. 5. Jeff's middle name
  5. 6. The number of Taylor Swift concerts Jeff & Lynnette have been together
  6. 9. Lynnette's middle name
  7. 10. The first person they saw in concert together
  8. 13. Years Jeff and Lynnette have been together
  9. 17. Lynnette's astrological sign
  10. 18. Their favorite sport to play together
  11. 20. Jeff's favorite football team
  12. 21. Mother of the Groom's first name