- 3. One of three sections of river.
- 4. An abandoned meander full of swamp water. (5,4)
- 6. A curve in a river found mainly in the middle course.
- 7. A precursor to coal. A biomass that forms in a giant O horizon. Used as fuel in some countries.
- 8. Greek for rock oil. Oily combustible substance found in some sedimentary rocks.
- 13. A non-renewable energy source that does not rely on hydrocarbons.
- 14. A necessary precursor to igneous rock, but not sedimentary or metamorphic.
- 15. A fuel which contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. eg. wood, cow dung, alcohol.
- 16. The rock type which forms from molten rock.
- 18. Traces of dead organisms found in sedimentary rocks.
- 19. This energy source uses water and gravity to produce electricity.
- 24. The rock type which forms when a rock is put under intense heat and pressure, but does not melt.
- 25. The rock type which forms from weathered rock.
- 26. Triangular landform formed by deposition at the mouth of a river.
- 27. A kind of sedimentary rock used as a fuel. Made from fossilised peat.
- 29. The slowest of Nature's cycles.
- 30. An alternative form of electricity production popular in Thailand. Does not involve a turbine.
- 31. Typically the hardest of the three rock types.
- 33. The form of energy found in fossil fuels.
- 34. A medium grade, medium energy coal.
- 35. The amount of empty space or voids in a soil or rock sample.
- 1. This word (meaning untrustworthy) describes solar and wind energy sources.
- 2. In electricity production this device comes after the boiler, but before the generator.
- 5. The process by which rock sediments such as sand are formed.
- 6. This very hot rock (ca. 3000 deg C) is plastic when in the mantle.
- 9. A device used to control the voltage of electricity.
- 10. This molten rock can flow.
- 11. The famous 'floating rock' that is porous but not permeable.
- 12. The waste product of a hydrogen fuel cell.
- 17. Describes the main elemental composition of petroleum, natural gas and coal.
- 20. When producing electricity from fossil fuels, chemical energy is turned into this form before turning into kinetic energy.
- 21. The churning of magma in the Earth's mantle is caused by this physical process.
- 22. Another way of saying petroleum. (5,3)
- 23. Energy production which harnesses heat from the Earth's mantle for electricity generation.
- 26. This geological process causes beaches to appear on the inner curve of a meander.
- 28. The highest grade of coal.
- 32. The steepest, fastest, narrowest course of a river.