M3 Lesson 3 The Story of Sadako USE Read

  1. 4. In Asia, cranes are a ____ of long life.
  2. 6. She has a kind of ____ .
  3. 9. I doubt she'll survive for more than one year.
  4. 10. At least 130,000 people died by the ___ of the year.
  5. 11. In the sixth grade, she was _____ as a member of the relay team for the school's sports day.
  6. 13. Sadako ___ became sick.
  7. 15. On August 6, 1945, an atomic _____ was dropped over Hiroshima.
  8. 16. In the hospital, Sadako ___ some paper cranes.
  1. 1. There is a famous statue standing in Hiroshima Peace _____ Park.
  2. 2. She began to ____ paper cranes and wished for good health.
  3. 3. She wanted to go ___ to school.
  4. 4. Her ____ got worse, so she went to the hospital with her family.
  5. 5. It began with a _____.
  6. 7. Sadako was a fast ____.
  7. 8. Sadako wanted to be a P.E. teacher when she ____ up.
  8. 12. At first she thought she just had a ________.
  9. 14. When Sadako was in _______ school,she especially liked her P.E. class.