Macbeth Crossword

  1. 3. Banquos son
  2. 5. queen of witches
  3. 6. macduff macduffs wife
  4. 7. apparition The First Apparition, in the warlike shape of a head wearing a helmet, warns Macbeth of Macduff.
  5. 9. Thane of fife
  6. 12. A short sword
  7. 13. a drunken doorman of macbeths castle
  8. 15. duncans second son
  9. 17. Macbeths ally
  1. 1. witches a group of old hags who give macbeth and banquo a prophercy
  2. 2. The main Character of the play
  3. 4. apparition the second apparition tells macbeth that he shall not die at the hands of a woman born.
  4. 6. a lord attends macbeths feast where he pledges the king
  5. 8. apparition the second apparition tells macbeth not to fear defeat until birnam wood comes to dunsinane
  6. 10. Macbeth kills duncan out of rage
  7. 11. person who brings news of duncans and macbeths approach
  8. 12. second son Donaldbain
  9. 14. a young thane
  10. 16. The King