
  1. 2. When we put simple machines together we make a _____
  2. 6. People could communicate by sending coded messages. It was the fastest way of communicating over long distances
  3. 8. We use ___ to hold things together
  4. 9. ___ ___ have no moving parts or few moving parts
  5. 10. It is an object with a slanted surface. We can cut things easily or use it to stop something moving
  1. 1. It is a surface that goes from a low level to a high level. We use it to move heavy objects up and down
  2. 3. This invention started the Industrial Revolution. The engine used water, vapour or steam to do work. It powered trains and ships and also machines in factories
  3. 4. It is made up of a rigid bar and a fulcrum. It makes easier to lift an object
  4. 5. It is made up of a wheel which turns around an axle. We use it to move things across the ground more easily
  5. 7. We use a ____ when we have to lift or lower something heavy. It uses a Wheel and a rope