Machines in Motion Unit 1 Vocabulary Review
- 2. matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms
- 5. substance that reduces friction
- 6. laws put in place by God to govern how things work in the universe
- 8. changes in momentum in a closed system must be equal
- 11. force that resists movement
- 13. study of motion
- 15. the ability to perform work
- 16. change in position due to an applied force (force times distance)
- 17. a push or a pull
- 18. rate at which work is done
- 19. energy that is being used
- 20. a continuous pull on an object
- 1. the amount of tension a material can withstand
- 3. force exerted by liquids and gases equal to mass of displaced fluid
- 4. movement due to mass and velocity in a particular direction
- 6. energy that is being stored
- 7. energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms
- 9. energy of motion
- 10. in a closed system, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only transformed or transferred
- 12. sum of all the forces exerted on an object
- 14. a spring stretches or compresses proportional to the force applied