Madi Energy Puzzle

  1. 3. do simple machines make work easier
  2. 5. if a car got stuck in mud but it will not move how much work is being done
  3. 6. what is an example a a screw
  4. 8. energy from sun
  5. 11. a circle and a stick
  6. 12. a door stop is a
  7. 13. what force is overcome when a movable pulley works to lift an object
  8. 14. direct heat
  9. 15. source that will last forever
  1. 1. heat from air
  2. 2. what is the opposite of ke
  3. 3. source that will not last forever
  4. 4. simple machine that pulls down on 1 side and up on the other side
  5. 7. heat wave
  6. 9. what is the opposite of pe
  7. 10. what is an example of lever
  8. 15. what is an example of an inclined plane
  9. 16. Force x distance=