Magical Beasts
- 4. To be found in the school kitchens
- 7. Dwells in the Chamber of Secrets
- 10. Harry stole one of their eggs
- 12. Ron's garden was infested with them
- 14. Eight legged giants
- 15. Club wielding semi-giants
- 16. Guards of Azkaban
- 17. Merfolk sometimes have them for pets
- 1. Has sliver blood
- 2. Skeletal horse
- 3. Affected by the full moon
- 4. Half horse half eagle
- 5. Asker of riddles
- 6. One legged lantern bearer
- 8. Associated with bringing gold
- 9. Good astrologers
- 11. Hunter of shiny things
- 13. Saved Harry from the Basilisk