Magnetic Levitaion

  1. 4. The process by which an object is suspended in the air using magnetic forces.
  2. 5. The force that pushes two like poles of magnets away from each other.
  3. 6. The two ends of a magnet, known as the north pole and south pole, where the magnetic force is strongest.
  4. 8. The act of rising or floating in the air without any physical support.
  5. 10. A type of magnet that generates a magnetic field through electricity and can be turned on and off.
  1. 1. An object that produces a magnetic field, which can attract or repel other magnetic materials.
  2. 2. The movement of people or goods from one place to another.
  3. 3. An invisible field around a magnet where magnetic forces can be felt.
  4. 7. The resistance encountered when one surface slides over another.
  5. 9. The force that pulls opposite poles of magnets toward each other.