Magnum ChocWord 3

  1. 2. Milan, New York, Paris, London are also known as the _______ capitals of the world?
  2. 5. Chocolate is the international symbol for?
  3. 6. Joanne Harris wrote the best selling novel called ?
  4. 7. The fashion industry is a world full of glitz and _____?
  5. 8. Nothing gives you more pleasure than _____ except a Magnum.
  6. 11. 'Savoy Truffle’ is a song about chocolate, by which famous artist/band?
  1. 1. _____ loved chocolate so much that he wrote it in his opera.
  2. 3. Magnum give you the most ______ chocolate experience.
  3. 4. ______ doesn't mean being noticed it means being remembered.
  4. 9. The word “chocolate” comes from the _____word, “Xocolatl”.
  5. 10. Magnum lovers only speak two languages, pleasure and ____?
  6. 12. The first machine made chocolate was made in?