Maintaining Mental Health

  1. 3. involves sound relationships, building connections with other people and making contributions to the community and society
  2. 4. feeling helpless, hopeless and/or worthless
  3. 5. Health proper functioning of the body and its parts
  4. 9. mental disorders characterized by an excessive and persistent sense of
  5. 10. mental and emotional wellness; promotes a positive attitude and self-esteem, helps people cope with normal stresses of life, and helps people work productively
  6. 12. and unease
  7. 13. mental health disorder characterized by long-lasting, intense sadness leading
  1. 1. great sadness caused by the loss of a person or thing
  2. 2. body’s physical and mental response to unpleasant or difficult situations
  3. 3. mental illnesses causing physical bodily symptoms which cannot be traced to
  4. 6. feeling nervous, unsure or scared about something
  5. 7. “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” as defined by the World Health Organization
  6. 8. description of how a person physically grows; differ from person to person; determined by heredity
  7. 11. physical cause