Makenna English/Mrs.Key

  1. 1. The fluid that circulates in the principal vascular.
  2. 3. One of two main branches.
  3. 5. A blood vessal.
  4. 7. Node any glandlike masses of tissue in the lymphatic.
  5. 8. The system by which lymph is returned from.
  6. 9. Of relating to,or affecting the heart.
  7. 10. In biology,a vessel that carries blood to the heart.
  8. 11. Tiney.
  9. 12. A part of respiratory system that extends.
  1. 2. The part of respiratory system between pharynx.
  2. 4. A collection of organs.
  3. 6. Thin/walled.
  4. 9. A tiny blood vessel.