Making Money

  1. 2. year to date
  2. 5. a check issued to an employee
  3. 7. A place or person that employs people to work
  4. 8. money taken out of your check
  5. 10. tax that varies from place to place
  6. 12. Payment for work, usually calculated in weeks
  7. 13. Income earned from things you own
  8. 14. take home pay (after deductions)
  1. 1. income tax used for the military and roads
  2. 3. Payment for work, usually calculated in hours
  3. 4. an employee's pay and benefits
  4. 6. total pay before deductions
  5. 7. A person who works for someone else for money
  6. 9. tax used for when a person retires
  7. 11. a printed statement of the amount an employee is paid