Mallory World War 1 and Jews

  1. 2. each country wanted more ______ than their neighbors
  2. 5. this many countries took part in World War 1
  3. 7. people don't care about anyone but their own self/country
  4. 11. Germany did not ______ their military up due to all the debt they were in with France and England.
  5. 12. To single out and mistreat.
  6. 13. Jews can't _______ non-jews.
  7. 14. make an agreement to help your allies in the event of trouble
  8. 15. number 2 most powerful in Austria/Hungary
  9. 17. to influence public opinion
  10. 18. the action of being against jews.
  11. 20. this many people wound up dead after the war
  1. 1. Grabbing land for resources and using factories to produce weapons and things.
  2. 3. a "contract" of rules set up to make sure Germany would pay for their damage in the war and make sure another war wouldn't start.
  3. 4. a set of rules that affected the jews greatly but not the non-jews.
  4. 6. Belief your country is the best.
  5. 8. these people watched abuse happen, instead of taking action and protecting people.
  6. 9. He wrote to the president in search of protection. In return he would give over his project on how to split the atom.
  7. 10. World War 1 began by Germany _______ war on Russia
  8. 16. Germany _____ millions to England and France.
  9. 19. the Jews had to wear a yellow badge in the shape of a ______ to make it clear that they were a jew.