Man-made disasters

  1. 4. One of man-made disasters is ... of hazardous materials.
  2. 5. Man-made disasters happen as a result of engineering ...
  3. 9. Man-made disasters happen at public ...
  4. 12. Different organizations ... to man- made disasters.
  5. 15. There are different industrial accidents including chemical ...
  6. 16. Sociological disasters include ... acts.
  7. 17. ...accidents involve trains.
  8. 20. ...disasters are caused by human actions.
  9. 21. ... failure is an example of structural collapses.
  10. 22. It's a place where mining accidents happen.
  11. 23. Man-made disasters cause such ... as human, material and environmental losses.
  12. 24. ... accidents involve boats and ships.
  1. 1. Man-made disasters occur at ...
  2. 2. It's destruction of a building.
  3. 3. Man-made disasters are divided into ... and sociological ones.
  4. 6. These materials are considered to be the most dangerous.
  5. 7. It's a sudden,violent burst of energy,for example one caused by a bomb.
  6. 8. Man-made disasters take place at engineering ...
  7. 10. Road accidents are also called ...
  8. 11. Man-made disasters often occur as a result of human ...
  9. 13. Sociological disasters include several types including civil ...
  10. 14. ... accidents involve planes and helicopters.
  11. 18. Fires are caused by lightning strike,... and other human actions.
  12. 19. ... conflicts are related to sociological disasters.