managing money

  1. 2. Something with four wheels that may be a long term saving goal
  2. 5. You can make extra money by getting a
  3. 6. Pretty much everything you need, want or do requires what
  4. 7. You can borrow money from a __ but every cent needs to be paid back
  5. 8. By putting money into a bank, you will earn money, which is called
  6. 11. When you put money into your savings, you are making a
  7. 13. You create this to keep track of how much money you can spend
  8. 14. In order to create a saving plan you need to set some saving
  1. 1. There is no such things as __ money
  2. 3. Most people have to do this in order to get money
  3. 4. If you spend money that you do not have you go into
  4. 6. Keeping track of your cash is also called __ your money
  5. 9. It is important that you keep a written __ of your spending and saving
  6. 10. When you buy something you are __ your money
  7. 12. When you set money aside you are __ it