Managing Resources - unit 5

  1. 5. A fuel derived from biomass.
  2. 6. Nutrient-deficient soils due to crops being continuously grown on them.
  3. 7. Lack of nutrition caused by not having a balanced diet or enough to eat.
  4. 8. A system of farming that uses a small amount of labor and capital investment relative to the area of land being farmed.
  5. 11. Chemical used to control commercial crops.
  6. 16. A system of farming in which labor are amount of investment and labor relative to the area of land being farmed.
  7. 17. A soil-free farming system that uses the waste produced by aquatic organisms to supply nutrients to plants being grown hydroponically.
  8. 18. A gas that can be used as a fuel is produced by fermenting organic matter.
  9. 19. An alcohol, produced by biological methods.
  10. 20. To store large amounts of goods in stores.
  1. 1. When all people have access to sufficeint food that meets their needs.
  2. 2. The supply of water to land or crops to help plants grow.
  3. 3. Suffering or death caused by lack of food.
  4. 4. The extreme scarcity of food.
  5. 9. When humans grow plants or animals for specific characteristics
  6. 10. A chemical or natural product that can be added to soils to increase the nutrients available for plants.
  7. 12. Help given to a country suffering from food insecurity.
  8. 13. An increase in salt continually of agricultural soils.
  9. 14. To limit the amount of food purchased for a person or family.
  10. 15. The growth of plants without soil in nutrient-rich water.