Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion

  1. 2. over 400 different agreements made between various native American nations, the states' governments, and the federal government over land disputes prior to the Civil War
  2. 4. a radical and militant abolitionist that led the Raid on Harpers Ferry Virginia and the Pottawatomie Massacre
  3. 6. one of the ways Chief Sequoya of the Cherokee nation tried to preserve Cherokee culture
  4. 8. first war since 1812 that the United States fought against another country - Mexico - over territory that is now part of the American Southwest and California
  5. 11. characterized by universal white manhood suffrage, the spoils system, interest groups, and political campaigning
  6. 13. term for all the land ceded by Mexico to the United States through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and includes modern day states of Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Colorado
  7. 18. a violent event in 1854 where pro-slavery militants and anti-slavery militants fought over the vote regarding slavery in Kansas and Nebraska
  8. 20. a political party that opposed the expansion of slavery in the west because of competition over labor
  9. 21. fate of 40,000 American Indians who refused to relocate, therefore were forcibly removed by marching 800 miles in dire conditions
  10. 22. first "common man" president and founder of the Democratic Party
  11. 24. a term that means the forcible acquisition and assertion of legal title over one state's territory by another state, usually following military occupation of the territory
  12. 25. the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War in 1848
  13. 26. political party that supported policies that favored native-born Americans over foreign-born Americans
  1. 1. a term that means the people of s state can vote for the laws of their state
  2. 3. a political party that supported the abolition of slavery for moral reasons, and believed in a strong national government
  3. 5. the first long distance, over-land form of travel and transportation in the United States
  4. 7. political party founded by Andrew Jackson which fought for westward territorial expansion and a limited government
  5. 9. signed into law in 1830, President Andrew Jackson authorized the government to financially support the resettlement of specific Indian nations to territory in Oklahoma; the US Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional
  6. 10. the largest Indian nation to be impacted by Indian Removal and the Trail of Tears
  7. 12. a law passed by US Congress in 1820 that drew a boundary between slave states and free states in the Louisiana Territory
  8. 13. popular belief that it was America's purpose to expand its territory across the continent
  9. 14. formerly part of Mexico, declared independence and fought the famous Battle of the Alamo, became annexed by the United States in 1845
  10. 15. a law passed by US Congress in 1854 that overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed for "popular sovereignty" to determine whether future states would be slave or free
  11. 16. political party formed in opposition to the Democratic Party, pro-business and believed the government should promote economic development
  12. 17. a term that means "anti-immigrant", especially against Irish and German immigrants
  13. 19. pivotal event and military engagement in the Texas Revolution. Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops reclaimed the Alamo Mission, killing most of the occupants
  14. 23. the most important cash crop in the Southern economy prior to the civil war, increased the demand for slave labor