Mapeh project

  1. 5. Specializes in one type of counseling like family, marital relationship,drug,divorce,children,behavioral and personal.
  2. 9. This is an emotional reaction where the patient feels that he or she has been cheated.
  3. 10. Being most common mood disorder and psychiatric complaint.
  4. 12. The individual refuses to admit or recognize that a stress-causing agent or situation exists.
  5. 13. training Parents should teach his or her children to respect our country.
  6. 14. The individual uses strength in other areas to replace the person's weaknesses.
  7. 17. An internationally known pediatrician and child development specialist.
  8. 20. These needs are love,affection and understanding.
  9. 23. The person imagines pleasurable events like dating a celebrity to escape from a disappointing or frustrating situation.
  10. 24. The individual does not recall any event or incident that has happened.
  11. 25. The individual eats, dresses and uses the personal care products which a celebrity star he or she admires uses.
  12. 28. The individual reverts to childish behaviors.
  13. 29. Refers to a persons adaptive capacities like intelligence,self-efficacy,coping abilities,awareness of his or her capacities.
  14. 30. This is a mental disorder that has been described as the cancer of mental illness with unknown causes.
  15. 33. Children also have the capacity for moral growth.
  16. 34. Is the study of aging.
  17. 36. Is another name for high blood.
  18. 38. Intelligence is a biological equipment.
  19. 39. This is a loss of memory caused by shock;, fatigue,injury,alcoholism,senility.
  20. 40. The individual changes his or her course of events to a less difficult one.
  21. 41. To hasten their maximum physical growth and development, parents should provide their children with nutritious food, adequate and appropriate clothing, and safe shelter.
  22. 42. Is either a psychologist or a psychiatrist who has a special training in psychoanalysis.
  23. 43. The individual avoids dealing with a stress-causing situation.
  24. 45. Because of depression and dementia, the elderly experience a heightened self-deprecation and hopelessness.
  25. 46. A young American school teacher in 1840's.
  26. 47. This is a mental disorder in which the victim believes that other people despise, persecute or suspect him or her.
  27. 48. This is a strong belief opposed to reality which is a person steadfastly maintains is spite of logical persuasion and evidence to the contrary.
  1. 1. This is a false interpretation by the mind of sense perception.
  2. 2. The patient and his or her family choose not to talk much about impending death with visitors and close friends.
  3. 3. The patient has a continuing feeling of tautness both emotionally and in his or her muscles.
  4. 4. It has two types the good and the bad.
  5. 6. The person unjustly blames or attributes someone else for his faults,failures,and negative feelings.
  6. 7. There are many types of this health problem like breast,colon and prostate.
  7. 8. This is a reduction of mental shock, a permanent, irreversible,loss of intellectual efficiency.
  8. 11. Is a bachelor's degree holder who has a master's degree, has passed the certification for specialist requirements, and possesses a PhD degree in counseling or clinical psychology.
  9. 15. An American social reformer advocated humane treatment for mentally ill persons.
  10. 16. An inborn tendency in every human being gregariousness.
  11. 18. The individual gives "alibis" for no accomplishing a task.
  12. 19. This stage follows the anger stage in the person with terminal illness.
  13. 21. The individual transfers his feeling from the main target to another object.
  14. 22. The most common definition of age in the world.
  15. 26. Refers to the ways in which people compare to others of similar age.
  16. 27. Refers to the relative age condition of a person's body systems and organs.
  17. 31. This is a mental state in which a person sees,hears,tastes,smells or feels something that is most present.
  18. 32. The individual admires someone so much that even if that someone commits a mistake, it is not accepted as such.
  19. 35. psychotic disorders These are mental disorders that inhibit a person's full functioning but do not distort thoughts and emotions.
  20. 37. The home is the child first school and parents are the first teacher.
  21. 44. considered taboo in the past.