Marck & Caitlin's Love Crossed Puzzle
- 3. Color of the bridesmaid dress
- 5. Couple's favorite NHL team
- 6. Couple's college
- 9. Bride's favorite way to exercise
- 10. Groom's middle name
- 12. Bride's favorite flower
- 15. Bride's middle name
- 16. Town the couple lives in
- 17. Couple's favorite TV show
- 19. Groom's favorite color
- 1. Name of the couple's place of engagement
- 2. Color of the bride's eyes
- 3. Mother of the bride's name
- 4. Couple's favorite superhero
- 7. Couple's freshman year dorm name
- 8. Location of the couple's honeymoon
- 11. Bride's birth month
- 13. Instrument the groom plays
- 14. Name of the couple's dog
- 18. Number of years together